Commercial law
In the area of commercial law we provide legal services related to company contractual and corporate agenda. We provide our clients with legal services involving establishment and transformation of companies, organisation of general meetings, reduction or increase of registered capital, proceedings concerning the Commercial and Trade Licensing Register. Consequently, we have a wealth of experience in the sale of companies, businesses or a part thereof.
A considerable part of our activities in commercial law is the execution of contracts, creation of sample corporate documentation, creation of general business terms and conditions, securing debts of clients and last but not least the management and collection of debts. We do, of course, represent clients in court, before state administrative and self-administrative authorities, and in arbitration proceedings if required.
We can provide you with advice in the area of commercial law especially in the following matters:
- change to company business name, line of business, executive officers, legal form, settlement of members,
- drawing up the statutes of business companies and cooperatives
- dissolution and winding up of business companies
- preparation and organisation of general meetings of business companies
- preparation and organisation of cooperative member meetings
- legal aid in settling breach of membership rights and obligations including the exclusion of members
- representation of minority shareholders